Endorsed by the University of Health and Spiritual Sciences

The UHSS™️ offers specialized training and certification credentialing that has been made available within our community to enable qualified practitioners to become essential medical and health service providers, no different from others in the health care community engaged in counseling.

The Global Commission for Accreditation of Martial Arts.

While the historical and cultural foundations of the hundreds of styles of martial arts in the world vary greatly there is one component which is universal and shares commonality . This is the spiritual component. Perhaps more than anything else, this is the unifying principle, the common thread which unites the arts globally and draws individuals to them. At the highest levels of practice, one can find the bridge of spiritual convergence and unity manifesting as a major component of all arts. This is a recurrent theme in all, regardless of their origins. It is common to find Shaolin Masters tending to health challenges of their colleagues and/or students, high level Tai Chi masters using Taoist healing methodology to help address health issues of their colleagues and other high level Taoist & Jiu Jitsu masters heal, guide and counsel those who come for help or even become injured in the course of practice. 

In advanced levels of martial arts practice it is common to see masters administering healing, counseling and spiritual guidance to others. 

The healing world has progressed to what it is today as a variable of time tested and proven methodologies used through history. Those which have shown success have endured while other, less effective ones have either evolved or have been discarded. One of the most important foundations of the healing arts is the spiritual foundation. It is believed that most health imbalances begin to manifest at this level. In order to address this effectively many forms of counseling have been devised. Spiritual counseling is one of the most effective and time tested forms of such therapy. It has gained such validity recognition over the years that it has been incorporated into the world of medicine as an acknowledged , legitimate and even billable procedure. Today it is recognized and accepted as an essential medical service.

The Global Commission for Accreditation of Martial Arts is the accreditation body which has been created to bring this unity to the martial arts world and create a unified organization for the cadre of healers and spiritually attuned counselors within the arts by providing a home for all practitioners regardless of their style, methodology or cultural differences. Our members will consist of those who acknowledge and desire to become a part of the growing community of spiritually attuned healers and spiritual counselors within the martial arts community. Specialized training and certification credentialing has been made available within our community to enable qualified practitioners to become essential medical and health service providers, no different from others in the health care community.

Martial Arts Unity

The Global Commission for Accreditation of Martial Arts is the accreditation body which has been created to bring this unity to the martial arts world and create a unified organization for the cadre of healers and spiritually attuned counselors within the arts by providing a home for all practitioners regardless of their style, methodology or cultural differences.

Qualified Practitioners

The highest level of a martial arts practice involves the healing dimension. Virtually all evolved masters and grandmasters have a strong grasp on the healing and health aspect of the art.

Living the "Way"

We have created a platform where martial arts masters can realize their full potential and now evolve to their highest level of achievement in helping and guiding others by becoming certified in the healing arts. 

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Why are Martial Arts Teachers uniquely qualified?

Why are martial arts teachers (and aspiring masters) most uniquely qualified to give guidance and counseling to others? Although vast array of issues impacting people may be diverse and complex, the ultimate solution necessitates that we recognize them, deal with them head on and ultimately conquer them. This requires the adoption of the warrior spirit, the same approach a practitioner must learn from the very first day of training in order to gain mastery of the art. Learning to tame the crippling demons of anxiety and fear, two of the most destructive elements common to most health imbalances (which hinder peace and harmony in life not only spiritually , mentally but ultimately physically) can help begin the healing process, regardless of the origins of the pain and suffering an individual is experiencing. These may be real or perceived. In any case fear, dread and uncertainty are being programmed into our world in a daily basis. This allows the susceptible ones to be manipulated and controlled. All sense of empowerment is being stripped daily. To someone suffering from any type of trauma, this can have devastating effects, exacerbating the injury. As attuned practitioners of the arts we have learned to “walk the walk” to help us overcome these crippling emotions, allowing us to walk through portal of hope accessing increased faith and hope in order to begin the process which will help all of us live life with greater dignity and courage. We are uniquely positioned to help impart this attitude in those who come to us seeking help and guidance. We have intuitively learned how to conquer our own inner demons and have the blessings and privilege with the right training to help other do the same. Our mission is to give such dedicated individuals the advanced training so that they can help others regain the necessary tools to deal with life’s complex challenges