Indigenous Relations

The UHSS™️ is proud of its relationships with the indigenous Native American tribes and the organizations listed below:

For over 20 years, we have faithfully devoted ourselves to our mission to improve the health, education and welfare of Native American communities throughout the land. We engage in research, healing work, education and welfare with these nations, as well as with indigenous peoples throughout the world.

We are united in co-trusteeship and cultural, spiritual and traditional affiliations with the various tribes. 

Our mission is to promote advancement of and help procure unity between all indigenous peoples by facilitating means for every member showing sincere dedication and the desire to receive education with full scholarships! These are accredited through a global educational and research trust.

We are a spiritual scientific research entity devoted to the improvement of the health of such nations through care/counseling and empowerment.

Dr Bill in a meeting with tribal leaders and members of the Shinnecock Indian Nation at the Shinnecock clinic established by them.

Dr. Bill with Danny Glover

It is with great honor that the UHSS™️ has the support of Danny Glover for its humanitarian and goodwill efforts.

Dr. Bill, the ordained Native American Medicine Man.

Dr. Bill with Kiowa Nation Medicine Man Bobby Onco. The UHSS™️ is proud to work with and have the support of this great tribal nation.

Dr. Bill with Cherokee member Wayne T. Duncan

Dr. Bill and the UHSS™️ are proud to be affiliated with the Cherokee Indian Nation. Wayne T. Duncan is the carrier of the sacred pipe.

Amazonian Shibibo Tribe

Dr. Bill and his daughter Melissa with members of the Amazonian Shibibo tribe deep in the Amazonian Jungle. They have worked to help improve the health and welfare of the Amazonian and indigenous tribes.

Claes Nobel and Dr. Bill

Dr. Bill celebrating his accolades with Claes Nobel. Dr. Bill is proud to be the director of the health and wellness component for the Nobel Peace Prize organization, World Peace One. (Stay tuned for and important announcement!)

United Nations Ambassador

Dr. Bill has served for two years as ambassador to the United Nations. His work involved working with the health, education, welfare and most importantly the disarmament committee.

Dr Bill and Rev Mike

Dr. Bill and the UHSS™️ honor the relations and support of Rev. Mike from the Shinnecock nation.