College of the Body

(School of Integrative Medicine)

"The day science begins to study non-physical phenomena, it will make more progress in one decade than in all the previous centuries of its existence."

-Nikola Tesla-

Many health and wellness systems attempt to categorize and compartmentalize the different components of our existence, including its disruption, which is referred to as dis-ease. In the western medical system, these categories are created are made to match corresponding diagnoses and, hence, “diagnosis codes”. The disease must fit the code. The disease and diagnosis (artificially created code) are the two elements of the foundation upon which the western model is based and thus the treatment must be made to match the “therapeutics.” The therapeutics(s) of course, is the corresponding drug, or the “procedure” which is used to “treat” the disease code. This is still a manifestation of a highly outdated “Newtonian” model verses “the highly advanced and more relevant quantum model." There is no great financial motivation to provide “teaching” to persons seeking a higher level of wellness. This is undeniably the original obligation of doctor (remember in Latin, the doctor = teacher). For the most part, teaching wellness cannot be matched to any existing disease code or practice. As such, it is for the most part non-reimbursable within the current medical system. While labeling ailments and disease certainly makes the structural and material components easier to categorize, an integrative and integrated approach is essential to promoting health and wellness on a global level, since the perfect model is a Divinely attuned model.

Our health care and wellness systems are fragmented into societies of “specialists.” While this certainly addresses and helps to categorize the rapidly expanding, constantly growing body of knowledge and demand in all areas, it has produced notable drawbacks as well in that it has isolated, fragmented and separated the parts of the health and wellness equation from a unified whole in such a way that they are now looked at as separate and independent. In this soon-to-be outdated model, the domain of the body is often left in the hands of the physician, with all of its specialties and sub-specialties, the mind in the hands of the mental health professionals and the spirit in the domain of the ministers and other persons claiming spiritual attunement.

It is now clear that as a result of the work of present day scientist that the “mind” is not really focused in the head, as once was surmised but distributed via signal molecules to the whole body. Each and every cell in the body functions as an integrated whole and is capable of communicating with one another via packets of light termed bio-photons. Therefore, the signal molecules throughout the body that generate bio-chemical reactions and influence what has been called “molecules of emotion” via this light, and can be found anywhere in the body. An example is those found in abundance in the gut (i.e.-“I have a feeling in my gut”) and in the heart (“my heart tells me this is right”.) These affect the mind and thus induce the brain to generate “molecules of emotion.” These affect our mental, psychological, spiritual and body states, and this is why the integrative approach is essential.

While there are, and will continue to be many afflictions which necessitate care by specialists, conditions which disrupt the balance and equilibrium between the mind, body and spirit can be achieved by creating harmony and balance between these elements. Ideally, prevention and early intervention can create a shift in imbalances and depletions before the material manifestations of “dis-ease” take hold. Cancers of the body are in essence cancers of the soul and spirit and will begin as disruptions of the bio-energetic fields long before they actually disrupt the physical components of the body. The emerging new model of medicine and wellness incorporates the approach to diagnosing and treating illness with acceptance of mystical observations of the bodies’ unique life-energy systems and the energetic property of atoms and molecules making up our bodies. It is more than the sum of its parts, which are animated by scientific explanations of two dimensional electrochemical reactions. This is all part of a current paradigm shift being referred to as Vibrational Medicine. Interestingly enough, principles of this “new” medicine have been thoroughly described in ancient texts. There is ample opportunity for spiritual-scientific research on the foundational molecules such as DNA since it has been shown that the Creators name has been encrypted in these in various symbols and representations. Our current base of knowledge merely indicates that we must use technologically evolved and refined tools to research, validate and verify that which has been giving to us by past masters.

Historical references indicate that the tools and implements of the time when great wisdom was giving to humanity consistent merely of intuitional awareness and spiritual wisdom. This has changed. On our new journey, we emphasize not only development of these essential tools, but incorporate highly developed modern day instruments to research and analyze wisdom which is not only Divine, but historical in nature. We carry the foundations of our illnesses and can, with the right teaching, learn to cultivate the tools which help eliminate them. Remember, all tools and implements are gifts from the Divine. With the evolution of technology, these sacred tools and implements given to humanity by Divinely ordained masters a millennia ago can be taken to much higher limits in order to benefit the evolution of humanity. Using the added benefits of such tools we can begin to unlock the secrets presented in scripture to humanity at a time where such tools were not available. With these, we can begin to unlock secrets which will allow us to experience wellness on an unprecedented scale. This is our Journey.