Gain Insights into Spiritual Counseling and Healing.
The goal of this course is to provide you obtain a step by step method to offer spiritual counseling services. You'll gain vast insight into philosophies of counseling & healing. You'll learn tried and true counseling and healing methods. Each section provides you with the questions to ask your client's in order to uncover their imbalances and move them towards more peace, goodness, beauty and self-healing.
About Rev. Dr. Enzo Aliotta
I grew up in a struggling household, with my three brother's and my Mom and Dad. My father was immigrant from Parermo, Sicily. He barely spoke English and unfortunately wasn't able to land a job that provided a lucrative income. My mom wasn't really able to keep a job because raising four boys isn't easy. Needless to say, we struggled; lack of food, lack of clothing, lack of basic necessities was common. However, one thing that was consistent was our faith and our church. I can still recall the church providing us food, Christmas presents and thanksgiving dinners. We recognized the power of faith, hope, love & service because we experienced its power first hand.
In 1998 after graduating high school, I was fortunate to have received a scholarship and grant to the University of Natural Medicine. This opportunity started me on the life changing journey of Naturopathic Spiritual Medicine. One important aspect of this life changing experience was that I had realized that with a strong spirit and faith all is possible. The connection with the divine and the universe provides all of the answers to live a life of peace, goodness, success and health.
It is my hope that through my service I can help others experience the same.
Discover the 7 Chakras
Throughout the body are seven main chakras which are often times referred to as wheels of energy. When these wheels are operating in balance an individual will enjoy a life peace and happiness.
Connect with your Power
The power of the Universe is yours if you can understand how to tap in and use it. Becoming attuned may help you unlock barriers which create obstacles. to living a rich and fulfilling life.
Shine your Light
Love and Light are two of the most important pillars in helping yourself and others. A Spiritual counselor can guide people at all times of distress and with all challenges since the spirit permeates all facets of our lives. At the completion of this course you'll have a step by step method to shine your light on others.
Example Curriculum
- About Counseling
- Counseling & Advice
- Honoring yourself first
- Taosim as a Path to Healing
- Assignment #1
- Feeling better and getting better
- The default
- The all powerful meditation
- Assignment #2
- Chakra's and counseling
- Starting at the root
- Assignment #3
- Enjoy the sweetness of life
- Light my fire
- Assignment #4
- Don't go breaking my heart
- Lets Talk
- Assignment #5
- Raise a Brow
- The Divine Source
- Assignment #6
- Thank you for taking this course
Care and Counsel with Confidence
There are many different types of counseling available today, and undoubtedly many more new and innovative ones will appear as time goes by. A growing body of experts in the field have acknowledged that conditions involving spiritual disenchantment, disharmony, a damaged or broken spirit and other spiritual imbalances will be a prime contributor to the initiation and propagation of illness and dis-ease. Harmony between the elements of the mind, the body and the spirit are essential for optimal health to manifest. Authorities in the field of counseling emphasize that adherence to the truth and foundations associated with the spiritual dimension are as important if not more important than all other factors if we are to live in a state of peace and be free of conflict. A spiritual counselor can guide people at all times of distress and with all challenges since spirit enters into, and permeates all facets of our lives. It is an acknowledged and powerful form of counseling where issues can be brought to the surface and conflicts resolved. This type of counseling has been utilized by healers throughout millennia. Becoming attuned with and embracing the importance of our personal spiritual belief systems may help unlock barriers which create obstacles to living a rich and fulfilling life. There are as many types of spiritual counseling approaches as there are belief systems on our planet. There is no “one size fits all” in this model.
The interconnectedness, interrelatedness, interdependence and general unity necessary to successfully govern not only our own existence but that what connects us to our external environment can be actualized by acknowledging , becoming attuned and ultimately working with the higher force. This perhaps is the true essence of spiritual counseling.
Spiritual counseling is not necessarily religious counseling. The counselor may be non-denominational, interfaith or even spiritual science based. This type of counseling has been referred to as the highest form of counseling simply because it embodies and acknowledges that which is the highest force. One which guides us to embrace the highest good. This type of counseling is above the intellectual, mental, and emotional levels. It is true counseling at the highest level, the soul level.
A hundred years ago the field of psychology was criticized , derided, and ridiculed by many. Today, spirituality and spiritual counseling is facing the same hurdles. There is no doubt that spiritual counseling is at the same point where psychology was at its infancy, particularity in the healing domain.
If you are considering a study and perhaps a career in this growing field, this course is one you should seriously consider. The lessons we provide are simple, straightforward and scientific. They have been utilized by sages, spiritual teachers and healers throughout the millennia.
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Additional Training in Naturopathic and spiritual medicine is always available.